Got Genki? A JapanSoc Karma Tweak

In addition to JapanSoc Sumo, I’ve tweaked a couple of other things on JapanSoc this week… Have you got Genki? If you don’t know, “genki” is the Japanese word for “active energetic happiness” or other less exciting definitions. As such, it’s the perfect replacement for JapanSoc’s Karma, a measure of a user’s activity over the last 7 days. Although I should be asking “Are you genki?”, I find it much […]

New Ranking System – JapanSoc Sumo!

Japan’s sumo season has come to an end, but the power users over at JapanSoc are just getting started. What is JapanSoc Sumo? It’s a new measure for ranking users so we can see who the biggest contributors to JapanSoc are. You earn points by submitting stories, voting, commenting, saving stories as “Favorites”, and for getting positive votes on comments you write. The more points you get, the higher up […]

JapanSoc Tutorial – Making Friends Part 2

In the first part of this tutorial, I went through the steps you need to add friends and send messages in JapanSoc. In this part, I’m going to explain how you can track your friends’ activity. Step 1: Understanding the profile page From your friends list in your profile page, you can access any of your friends’ own profile pages. Since I’m so active on JapanSoc, I’ve used my own […]

JapanSoc Tutorial – Making Friends Part 1

Recently on JapanSoc, user Japanite submitted a post titled Creating JapanSoc Groups in Other Social Sites in which he said: I think we should consider uniting together to promote our sites in other social news sites. I thought about recommending everyone’s stories in sites like StumbleUpon or Digg, to get better exposure to new visitors. I thought that was a great idea, and so did a few other JapanSoc users. […]

Have You Got Your .JP Yet?

Not so long ago, I registered and pointed it here. That was just one step in helping my blog reach #1 in Google when you searched for my name… although my arch-rival, Conservative politician, Nick Ramsay, has now reclaimed that spot. Well done, Nick. Best of four? 😉 Get a domain name in Japanese In the comments on that post, acclaimed author, environmentalist, database magician and Japan blogger, Jason […]